Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

Zelensky spoke about the risks of World War III and spoke about the “peace plan”

President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that Russian aggression against Ukraine could escalate into World War III. According to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin is “stirring the fires” of unrest around the world, which risks getting out of control, and the end of the war, which includes the transfer of occupied territories to Russia, is not a peace plan, but a capitulation.

Zelensky made the corresponding statements in an interview with the British newspaper The Sun. In particular, the Ukrainian president said that the bloodbath unleashed in Israel by the October attack by Hamas terrorists was “really a great desire” of Russia, and also accused the Kremlin of stirring up problems in the Balkans.

“We think that now in the Balkans they are preparing, new steps are being taken. And we think that they are trying to educate or even train some people. The idea is to start one conflict, but they don’t cope with it, they don’t try to stop it,” Zelensky said.

He also warned of the threat of World War III:

“Ukraine today is at the center of the global risks of World War III. And I really think that Russia will put pressure until the United States and China together tell them to very, very seriously leave (our – Ed.) territory.”

Zelensky added that the war in Israel has distracted the world’s attention from Ukraine, which, in turn, “does not help” Kyiv. At the same time, the president emphasized Moscow’s connection with Hamas supporters in Iran, which supplies “shaheeds” to Russia.

The Ukrainian President also stressed that Russia could end the war tomorrow if Putin orders his troops to leave Ukraine.

The fighting will take longer, Zelensky said: “I can’t tell you how long it will take.”

He also commented on the statement of former US President Donald Trump, who claims that he can end the war in one day. Zelensky said he was ready to meet with him.

“If he has a real plan, please show us,” the Ukrainian leader said, but warned that there had already been “enough words” in this war.

Zelensky stressed that any plan providing for the transfer of the occupied territories of Donbass and Crimea to Moscow is not a peace plan. It would be capitulation.

“Our country is not ready for such a peace plan. This is not a peace plan. This is the end of the war on Russia’s terms,” he explained.

Zelensky also warned that such a plan would fail because the Russian Federation would seize territory, build up forces and attack again, as it did between 2014 and 2022.


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