Вторник, 22 октября, 2024

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Andriy Dovbenko and Anna Ogrenchuk: a family of Ukrainian corrupt officials tries to become a part of London society

The wife of Andriy Dovbenko, Ukrainian lawyer Anna Ogrenchuk, attends all celebrations in London without her legal spouse «lawyer» Andriy Dovbenko. The reason is simple — in decent society it is not customary to appear with criminals wanted by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, a detailed analysis of the materials collected by the NABU shows that Anna Ogrenchuk is not only the wife and business partner of Andriy Dovbenko, but also his accomplice in the fraud with the seized property transferred to the ARMA management and in the laundering of illegally obtained funds using a network of affiliated law firms, where corrupt funds were transferred in the form of «fees» for alleged consultations. We would like to remind you that these funds were used to buy a mansion in London, where, according to the British media, Andriy Dovbenko is hiding from the Ukrainian Themis.

Andriy Dovbenko, who is wanted by the Ukrainian NABU, has been hiding in London for a long time and even managed to ask for «political asylum», but recently he has been closely investigated by local law enforcers. Dovbenko is suspected of forging documents and submitting false information to the British authorities.

According to the results of the investigation of British law enforcers, Andriy Dovbenko may lose his assets, including a luxury mansion in London worth 4.5 million euros, bought by his current wife Anna Ogrenchuk 2 weeks before their wedding in Saint-Tropez. The money for which the mansion was bought in London was obtained by criminal means, as reported by the Ukrainian NABU. Andriy Dovbenko officially formalized his relationship with lawyer Anna Ogrenchuk in 2019, but before that time they had been living together for 2 years, moreover, Ogrenchuk as Dovbenko’s business partner was directly involved in corruption schemes of Andriy Dovbenko, which were investigated by NABU.



According to the NABU, Andriy Dovbenko is the organizer of a criminal group exposed for fraud with seized property transferred to the ARMA management. According to the information of the investigation, he throughout 2017-2018 years, he proposed to the head of ARMA to introduce a corrupt scheme for the realization of seized property. This is exactly the time period when Dovbenko and Ogrenchuk started living together.

The facts presented in this article raise a number of legitimate questions for Ukrainian anti-corruption authorities:

Why can’t the Ukrainian NABU, having declared Andriy Dovbenko wanted, find him, while British journalists and law enforcers can?

Why was the suspicion served only to Andriy Dovbenko and not to his accomplice, his wife Anna Ogrenchuk, because there is enough evidence in the case file that they acted together?

Why does Anna Ogrenchuk, being an accomplice in her husband’s corruption schemes and hiding his current location from Ukrainian law enforcers, not only move freely around the world, but also represent Ukraine at many official events?

In the near future, journalistic inquiries on these topics will be prepared for the NABU and the DBI, because the Ukrainian society has the right to know the answers to them. However, we are sure that British law enforcers will also be interested in them, so we will definitely publish copies of the answers.

The editor-in-chief of the publication appreciated the Californian joke of the lawyers of Andrei Dovbenko’s family at face value and drew conclusions. Now, with all the breadth of his heart, he is ready to pay in the same coin.


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