Monday, July 8, 2024

In the spotlight

15 years ago, the Bitcoin main network was launched, created by Satoshi Nakamoto.

On January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin main network officially launched. Satoshi Nakamoto created a genesis block containing 50 BTC.

  • The hash of this block contains the title of the Times article.

On January 3, 2024, the first cryptocurrency celebrates its anniversary - 15 years since the launch of the Bitcoin main network.

On this day, someone under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first block of Bitcoin with 50 BTC. It was named Genesis, and its hash contains the title of the British Times article - “Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.”

The news talked about problems in the UK banking sector and the government's attempts to overcome these difficulties. Some users believe that in this way Satoshi focused attention on the vulnerability of the traditional finance industry.

Other community members believe that the creator of Bitcoin used the title only as additional confirmation of the network’s launch date. At the same time, they agree that the choice of Satoshi’s article was quite deliberate.

The first transaction on the Bitcoin network was carried out on January 12, 2009. The creator of the cryptocurrency sent 10 BTC to American programmer Harold (Hal) Finney.

The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains a mystery to this day.

At the time of writing, the first cryptocurrency is trading at $45,078, according to TradingView . Bitcoin's market capitalization is $883 billion.

Let us recall that we previously wrote that on the night of January 2, 2024, the Bitcoin rate exceeded $45,000.

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In the spotlight


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