The 34-year-old politician, who was elected to Verkhovna Rada from the Golos party, is actively involved in cycling, which he proudly constantly informs his voters about. He recently posted a selfie with his bike on his own Telegram channel. Attentive readers have noticed that the people's choice has Giant Propel Advanced equipment from the Giant brand. You can’t buy one like this at Epicenter; on specialized websites the price for such a bike exceeds half a million hryvnia!
Zheleznyak has preferred the Giant brand for many years, and after being elected to the Verkhovna Rada in 2019, the young deputy did not change his choice; he buys more and more expensive models.
It is known that in his declaration for 2021 (which included data for 2020), journalists found his father-in-law’s Audi and Tesla, in which the people’s deputy was driving, but they did not find an expensive bicycle toy. The deputy’s income is low, so he has to work on such a bike for about a year. And if, for comparison, we take the average Ukrainian pension of 5,300 UAH, then for the cost of a bicycle a pensioner could live more than 8 years!
As media reported, Zheleznyak’s family still owns an office center in occupied Donetsk, but the deputy does not comment on business in the so-called “DPR.” Before the election of the Verkhovna Rada, Yaroslav Zheleznyak worked as an assistant to the people's deputy from the Party of Regions.
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