Thursday, July 4, 2024

In the spotlight

Strangled with a belt: Servant of the People deputy Alina Mustafaeva got into a fight with the owner of a suspicious holding

A big scandal and even a physical fight occurred between the deputy of the Kharkov City Council from the Servant of the People, Alina Mustafayeva, and the owner of the holding company that supplies charging stations to the occupied Crimea, Dmitry Nikonov. That's it - a verbal conflict escalated into a fight.

The corresponding videos were published in local Telegram channels.

The footage shows that the action first takes place in the parking lot in Nikonov’s car. Mustafaeva demanded that he return her phone to her

The video also shows that the deputy tried to strangle Nikonov with a car belt, and he, in turn, called for help. Eyewitnesses to the incident called the police to the scene.

After the altercation in the car ended, Nikonov got out of the car and literally staggered from side to side.

The network notes that family relations could be clarified between Dmitry and Alina. According to some media reports, they live together.

In addition, they both played a key role in running a business that maintained commercial ties with the Russian Federation. Nikonov is the owner of a Kharkov holding company that has been supplying charging stations to the temporarily occupied Crimea since at least 2016. It is also worth adding that Dmitry Nikonov is an assistant to the people’s deputy from “Servant of the People” Kunitsky Dmitry Nikonov.

So far, neither Alina Mustafaeva nor Dmitry Nikonov have commented on the incident on their social networks.

We add that Dmitry Nikonov was driving a 2016 Cadillac ELR. The car has been registered to a legal entity since 2019. At launch, the price tag for the car was 65 thousand dollars. Now its price ranges from $17,999.00 to $25,900.00.

Source ZNAJ

In the spotlight


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