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Luxury car, millionaire wife and “Vovk’s films”: the Supreme Court of Justice and NABU became interested in the affairs of Judge Bosogo

Not so barefoot and not so single. In the latest e-declaration of the Chairman of the Economic Court of Kyiv Vadim Bosy, his wife, who owns precious square meters in Pechersk, has “returned”.

And also, judging by the document, the judge replenished the balance of cash in the accounts and bought a carbine for half a million hryvnia. Based on these facts, journalists turned to the Higher Qualification Committee of Ukraine, where they promised to check the condition of Themis’ servant.

What “surprises” do the declarations of Judge Vadim Bosy contain, what expensive property is registered in the name of his relatives, and why does the head of the Economic Court avoid communicating with the media? Details are in the new investigation by Diana Lovskaya.

The chairman of the capital's Economic Court, Vadim Bosoi, who has repeatedly come to the attention of the media due to controversial decisions in high-profile cases, updated the data of his electronic declaration in June last year. Although even before this, the judge’s property status raised many questions. We are talking, in particular, about luxury housing, which over the course of several years appeared to his parents, daughter and ex-wife Ekaterina after the divorce.

As it became known earlier, Bosogo’s former darling purchased a three-room apartment in the elite residential complex “Jack House” in the center of the capital - such housing on real estate websites is estimated at about 400 thousand dollars. At the same time, the family of the judge’s parents purchased a house for 53 thousand greenbacks. And the daughter, who has almost no income of her own, purchased the apartment for about 200 thousand dollars.

However, with the opening of declaration data for 2022-2023 on the NACP website, other details became available.

In particular, the official income of Vadim Bosy as head of the Economic Court of Kyiv for the last reporting year, including vacations and sick leave, amounted to more than 1.3 million UAH, that is, approximately 112 thousand per month. This amount is comparable to the 100 thousand hryvnia that Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters are currently receiving “at zero” in the hottest spots. However, the servant of Themis works in incomparably more “greenhouse” office conditions, and he is driven to work by a car with a paid driver.

As of 2022, Bosogo also had a replenishment of funds in his accounts or in cash: the total amount of savings was already more than 2 million UAH and almost 25 thousand dollars.

“And also, compared to previous years, his wife, from whom he was allegedly divorced, as reported by the media, has finally returned to this annual report. And despite the discrepancy between her income, Ekaterina Bosaya acquired expensive apartments in Pechersk during that period, where Vadim Bosoy now lives,” notes Diana Lovskaya.

Also among the updates - the son of Bosoy Peter is listed in the declaration.

Although his name was not in the documents before. But earlier the media wrote about him: the boy was probably born during the divorce of the Bosykh spouses, which may confirm the fictitiousness of the divorce. But this time the judge did not mention his daughter Irina, about whom our colleagues from the publications “Observer” and “Censor” wrote.

Another interesting thing: judging by the declaration for 2023, at the height of the war, Vadim Bosoy purchased a valuable Cadex CDX-40 Shadow carbine in caliber 375 CheyTac for half a million hryvnia. The purchase was made through EUROPE ARM SPORT LLC.

At the house where he lives, reporters noticed his driver, who subsequently entered the parking lot. Then a Toyota Land Cruiser 200 drove out from there, which according to documents supposedly belongs to Mr. Vadim’s father, but our hero constantly drives it. At least, as the Stopcorov officers recorded, Bosoy got out of this car near his place of work.

And how does the servant of Themis himself comment on all this?

“To talk to the judge about how he got so rich, we visited the Economic Court of Kyiv several times. Finding out the answers to our questions from Bosogo is a whole quest. We went to meetings. They knocked on the threshold of his reception room. But Mr. Vadim simply ran away,” says the journalist.

It was not possible to communicate with the judge’s parents, who live in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Kyiv region: they did not leave their house to see the journalists. In the first part of the investigation, we reported on several million gifts to Vadim from the father of Pyotr Nikolaevich in the period from 2014 to 2016. As activists from the NGO “People's Circle” believe in their appeal, such gifts are not comparable to the average annual income of the enterprises of the judge’s parents.

Moreover, according to the Antikor publication, Petr Bosoy did not seem to pay wages to the employees of this enterprise, but at the same time he was building a large house in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and bought a jeep. Also, allegedly for a certain period, the parents’ companies did not pay taxes. And all - allegedly because of the son’s high position.

However, the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine and NABU joined our investigation.

The VKKS reported that they accepted StopCor’s appeal regarding the verification of Bosogo’s declarations, it is already under consideration, and a responsible person has also been appointed.

It is worth adding that while this investigation was being prepared for release, according to our insider information, it became known that NABU had already come to Bosom with interrogation regarding the case of Vovk’s tapes and Igor Kolomoisky’s participation there.

Let us remind you that Bosoy was considering the case of an oligarch’s claim against the NBU to invalidate loan agreements. In May 2019, his colleague Vadim Bosoy looked into the office of the former head of the Kyiv District Administrative Court Pavel Vovk. As it turned out, after Vovk’s negotiations with his colleague and several mysterious calls from the head of the OASC, Judge Bosoy made a decision in favor of Igor Kolomoisky.

We also already told you that the head of the Kyiv Economic Court, Vadim Bosoy, officially separated from his wife Ekaterina back in 2008. However, according to media reports, he continued to use the elite property registered in her name. Moreover, the “exes” even gave birth to a child outside of marriage. However, the servant of Themis did not report this in previous declarations


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