Categories: WORLD

Mortgage genius Daulet Mukaev

The first madura of the new parliament goes to Majilis deputy Daulet Mukaev, who asked the government to lift the limits on the mortgage program: “It is necessary to remove the restriction on the 7-20-25 program. Thousands of people have been approved by the bank, but due to the limit they cannot get the keys to their house. People are forced to spend the night in front of the bank.”

Dear Deputy, the reduction of the 7-20-25 program was announced a year and a half in advance. Everyone knew that the program would be closed - from developers to buyers. At the same time, the National Bank decided to make concessions and extended the program, but with a new limit. This program has been one of the reasons prices have risen by almost 100% over the past three years. The main beneficiary of preferential mortgages is the construction business, and people received a poverty tax instead of affordable housing. Instead of universal programs, it is necessary to develop targeted and targeted ones.


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