Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

The Cabinet of Ministers submitted to parliament a draft of changes regarding the mobilization

The Cabinet of Ministers presented the long-awaited draft amendments to the legislation on mobilization to the Verkhovna Rada. The contents of this project were most likely already known throughout the country, so we will not dwell on it in detail. It is important to note that this document provides reliable protection for deputies, officials and law enforcement officers.

It is only worth noting that mobilization, and especially the rotation of our defenders, some of whom have been fighting for almost two years, is necessary. We didn't choose this path. The Russian occupiers chose him for us when they attacked our country. And no one but them is to blame for the hardships that the Ukrainian people are bearing and will bear.

People, of course, are not happy with the proposed changes. The dissatisfaction of the less passionate part of society spreads across social networks and collides with dissatisfaction with their position and the behavior of the more passionate part. This social contradiction would definitely arise in one form or another.

However, it seems that the authorities are doing everything to ensure that such contradictions become deeper and deeper. And at the same time, he is trying with all his might to shift political responsibility for unpopular decisions to someone else. Having not found a better candidate than the military.

Even during his last press conference, President Vladimir Zelensky announced the need to mobilize 450-500 thousand citizens. Everyone saw the number, but did not see the context. He said that this was the request of the General Staff. Yesterday, announcing the bill, the head of the “servants” faction, David Arakhamia, repeated this figure, and also added that this was a request from the General Staff.

And in the morning “UP” released interesting news about the “temnik” that ordinary parliamentary “servants” received. They were actually prohibited from commenting on the new bill. Gently advising to stay on the same line with the president, given the “sensitivity of the issue,” therefore, “the mobilization with society should be communicated by the military, from whom this request comes.”

“The faction should refrain from commenting on this matter in the media, at the international level, on social networks, and in personal communications. All questions, if any, should be forwarded to the military command,” noted Servant of the People, according to journalists.

Translated from media to human, political power decided to make military power the last resort for increased mobilization. To put it even more simply, dump the negativity on Valery Zaluzhny. Like, these are all his ideas and problems.

Although the General Staff is in no way a subject of legislative initiative. But even in this case, the top political leadership has a safety net. Her name is Denis Anatolyevich Shmygal. In case anyone has forgotten, this is our Prime Minister.

It was he who was instructed to sign an unpopular initiative in society. For some reason, the mobilization bill was not introduced by the president, who, by the way, is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and not even by Arakhamia, who loudly shouted about it yesterday. Shmygal, who actually has nothing to lose, went into the breach.

Therefore, an almost ideal scheme for the authorities emerges. She dumps the negativity on someone whom she for some reason considers her main competitor. And if things go really badly, substitute the useless Shmygal, who seems to have come up with all this himself.

True, there is one nuance in all this. Valery Zaluzhny, whose public trust is undeniable, went on air and directly stated:

“The military command did not make a single request for any numbers (450-500 thousand). The military command continues to perform the function of protecting the state and, accordingly, forms its requests (for ammunition, for weapons and for human resources). This is done on an ongoing basis, and we do not carry it out in some separate format, as an event for the Cabinet of Ministers or the Verkhovna Rada.”

That is, it turns out that the political leadership of the country stupidly came up with a figure of half a million. Obviously, preparing the ground in advance for introducing an unpopular bill that will lower the government’s ratings even more. Perhaps they would even prefer not to introduce it. But there is no choice - the mobilization has failed, as many military officials claim.

And it failed, among other things, because of the previous populism of the political authorities. Which, without asking the opinion of the military, got into the mobilization system, firing batches of “bad military commissars.”

How can one not recall one of Igor Valerievich Kolomoisky’s favorite sayings, which the political leadership has probably heard many times: “Life is like a supermarket: take what you want, but at the end there is a cash register.”

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