Saturday, September 7, 2024

In the spotlight

How does the chief treasurer of Volyn, Mikhail Lemishchak, live?

The chief treasurer of Volyn, Mikhail Lemishchak, while working in government positions, acquired luxury cars, accumulated millions of hryvnia and actively buys/sells government bonds

We previously reported that judge of the Zhytomyr District Administrative Court Dmitry Lemishchak, in the first month of work, became the owner of a brand new BYD Song Plus Champion electric car worth UAH 1 million 160 thousand.

So, the new judge Dmitry Lemishchak is the son of the head of the Main Directorate of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in the Volyn region, Mikhail-Miroslav Lemishchak. The latter, having worked almost his entire life in government positions, managed to acquire luxury cars and real estate, accumulated millions in savings, and in addition is actively buying and selling government bonds.

The chief treasurer of Volyn, Mikhail Lemishchak, declares a residential building of 316 square meters in the village of Khorlupy, Lutsk region. He also owns a 2019 Mercedes-Benz GLE 450, the declared value of which is 2.1 million hryvnia. The official became the owner of this car in 2020.

In 2023, Lemishchak received a salary of 421 thousand hryvnia, which amounted to an average of 35 thousand hryvnia per month. His income also includes 143.8 thousand hryvnia of pension and 965.4 thousand hryvnia of interest from 12 banks. In addition, he received almost 831 thousand hryvnia in income from the alienation of bonds of the Ministry of Finance. His wife Elena Lemishchak received 175.3 thousand hryvnia in interest from banks. In addition to significant earnings, Mikhail Lemishchak and his wife keep almost 10 million hryvnia and 189.1 thousand dollars in savings.

“In general, Mikhail Lemishchak is absolutely not a poor official - as if he were a person who has worked for the state all his life... But are all these benefits obtained legally - a questionable question? It is also doubtful that his son Dmitry could become a judge of the Zhytomyr District Administrative Court without parental protection,” Mosiychuk noted.

Let us remind you that the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine continues to check Elena Kuzmishina, the chairman of the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal, because of her possible involvement in the execution of illegal orders of the ex-deputy head of the Presidential Office Andrei Smirnov and the ex-chairman of the Supreme Court Vsevolod Knyazev.

Source Parliament

In the spotlight


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