How to pay taxes?
According to the document, income of individuals from transactions with cryptocurrencies will be taxed at a rate of 5% for the first three years, at a rate of 9% for the next five, after which a general rate of 18% will apply. Why was this particular system chosen?
Yulia Parkhomenko: Any rates are a compromise between the state, which wants to receive as much taxes as possible, and business, which either does not want to pay them at all or wants to pay less. So, of course, our logic is that a rate system with transition periods could create this trade-off.
But everyone understands perfectly well that the Ministry of Digital Development is not the body that will ultimately determine what the tax rate will be. For this there is a Ministry of Finance, there is a tax committee, there are deputies who will vote and pass the law in the future. But we are 100% sure that when creating a new industry, an 18% personal income tax tax for it is a road to nowhere.
Dmitry Nikolaevsky: The document has a limit of 7 million hryvnia - questions arose about why this particular figure. [According to the bill, the right to the rates provided for by the proposed system will be those taxpayers whose amount of profit from transactions with cryptocurrencies does not exceed 7 million hryvnia during the year].
We do not want to create an arbitrage of different legal tax regimes. We have a simplified system for group III individual entrepreneurs, which has an annual income limit of 7 million hryvnia and a rate of 5%. Therefore, to ensure that one tax instrument is not used instead of another, it was proposed to start with the conditions that already exist for certain types of activities and income. And then there is a consistent evolution of the rate to the standard one.
When does taxation apply?
Nikolaevsky: Income from the sale is received only when a virtual asset is sold for cash. Therefore, entering fiat is the moment a tax liability arises.
If you sold Bitcoin for USDT and do not withdraw funds into hryvnia, does the taxation period not occur?
Nikolaevsky: It’s not coming.
How will the confirmation of expenses that the user must indicate for tax purposes be carried out?
Parkhomenko: For example, I transfer 1000 hryvnia from my bank account to the exchange to purchase bitcoin. After some time, I sell it and receive 1200 hryvnia. In this case, 200 hryvnia is the income on which I must pay tax.
In order to confirm my expenses, I must provide the tax office with a bank statement about my money transfers to the service provider that I withdrew 1200 hryvnia, and from the service provider I must receive a document that will confirm at what rate I bought and sold this bitcoin .
Nikolaevsky: After the law is adopted, the tax office will formulate rules by which the confirmation of expenses is carried out and describe individual cases when such expenses must be confirmed. Everything will be explained at the level of by-laws, which will be developed by the Ministry of Finance and with the participation of the tax inspectorate.
What if there are, for example, more than fifty such operations per day?
Nikolaevsky : It is not yet possible to propose any other more convenient mechanism. So, we assume that this problem will be solved at the service provider level by automating the tax reporting process.
What happens from a legal point of view if my investments are in the red during the reporting period?
Nikolaevsky : In this case, of course, taxation does not apply. Moreover, a negative result can be carried forward to future years, reducing the object of taxation for future tax periods.
How will the information provided by an individual in the declaration be verified regarding his income/losses from transactions with cryptocurrencies?
Nikolaevsky : The tax office usually makes a comparison when conducting an audit. An audit is carried out when the tax office questions the accuracy of the declared information. If there is a discrepancy between the data from suppliers and the declaration data, then the tax office can seek clarification from the taxpayer and ask him to provide documents confirming his calculation.
What tax conditions are provided for legal entities?
Nikolaevsky : If we are talking about service providers, this is a separate section of regulation. Their services, except for consulting ones, are exempt from VAT. After receiving authorization, they can take advantage of the preferential regime of Diya.City and pay 9% tax on the withdrawn capital.
Another story is the income tax for all other legal entities that are not service providers. There are no exceptions for them - a general income tax rate of 18% is used.
Who is considered a service provider?
Nikolaevsky : In order not to list all the types specified in the bill, I will focus on the general principle. It lies in the fact that those types of activities that provide the ability to operate with virtual assets owned by other persons are subject to authorization. The only exception is the provision of consulting services.