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Is Kirill Shevchenko afraid?

The former head of the National Bank, Kirill Shevchenko, claims that he fears for his life and accuses Zelensky of persecution. From an interview with the American publication National File, it appears as if Zelensky is going to kill Shevchenko. And Russian propagandists are already picking up on this.

“Wow, sensation!” - you say. Well, what a sensation. Firstly, Shevchenko did not claim this (at least in the text), secondly, National File is not a publication, and thirdly, it is not Zelensky who is persecuting Shevchenko.

But first things first.

Let's start with the “publication” to which Kirill Shevchenko gave an interview. This is not a publication, but a standalon blog by Alex Jones. Jones started the blog due to the fact that his main project Infowars failed in 2018, due to the fact that Jones constantly lied for the sake of hype. The site was banned by Facebook and YouTube, and that’s it. Jones argued, for example, that the 2012 shooting in Connecticut was staged and that all those killed were actually actors. The families of the victims filed a lawsuit. Jones defended himself normally (freespeech there, everything as always), but then his lawyers mistakenly sent a dump of correspondence from his phone to the families of the victims. There was a media explosion.

Jones was then accused of lying under oath. He also tried to create artificial bankruptcy to avoid paying the victims of his lies. In fact, Jones is a very rich man, as it became known from the dump. On Infowars, on good days, he made between $200,000 and $800,000 PER DAY by selling bullshit to subscribers for strengthening rods, nutritional supplements, and all that other stuff. Infocigan in short. And clay for him, because this is the USA, and they don’t forgive this kind of thing there. Therefore, another site was created.

National File continued Infowars' proud tradition of producing fake news. For example, he said that Arizona candidate Mark Kelly was at a party dressed as Hitler with a corresponding photo. True, it wasn’t Kelly in the photo, but it doesn’t matter - sales of bullshit are growing. Plus National File killed Republican candidates who supported Democrats in the investigation of the January 6 insurrection. And, of course, both Infowars and National File are favorites of the Russian press. You can Google this in two minutes.

If you think that the founder of a publication is the end, you are mistaken. The person Shevchenko interviewed for National File is even “better.” Jones, as you already understood, has certain problems now, so another guy interviewed Shevchenko. Patented anti-Semite and Qanon fan, Patrick Hawley. Hawley wrote for Breitbart, but left because the editorial policies (I didn't even think they were there) even of Breitbart were too harsh for him. So he created his own blog, Big League Politics, where he was already busy. If anyone has heard of Quanon, then you understand everything, if someone has not heard, then Google carefully. As a result, Howley was banned from Twitter for anti-Semitism. For life. After Musk bought the tweeter, of course, he was unbanned.

To avoid getting banned, I won’t even write here about what Hawley gives out, but it’s straight up cosmic. Of course, Hawley’s position on our war is completely pro-Russian. As is the overall position of National File. National File regularly spreads lies from Rush Today, in particular about biological laboratories in Ukraine.

You may ask why Shevchenko went to give an interview to these f*cks?

I answer.

Kirill Evgenievich Shevchenko is preparing for trial in Austria, where NABU and SAPO will demand his extradition to Ukraine. His defense strategy is very simple - he is trying to pretend that he is being persecuted for political reasons. At the same time, no one in Ukraine will tell you what political prospects Shevchenko has, because there are none.

Shevchenko accuses Zelensky of persecution, but the fact is that the investigation into Ukrgaz against Shevchenko was launched back when the head of NABU was Artem Sytnik.
In general, the case was opened BEFORE Zelensky became President. And Shevchenko should have been suspected in the spring of 2022, but a full-scale war began. And there was no time for him. Shevchenko says he was fired because monetary policy was too tight. The wording there is not very clear, but the interviewer interprets it in such a way that Shevchenko did not allow extra money to be spent on the war. Riley, whore? Article 111 doesn't work?

Be that as it may, the point is that after Shevchenko’s dismissal, monetary policy did NOT CHANGE. And now many people consider it even tougher than during Shevchenko’s time. And I don’t hear anything about political persecution. Maybe someone heard? It seems that this is not the problem.

Shevchenko says that in Ukrgaz everything was market-based, and there was no corruption, but we found those people to whom he paid money for services, and these are no-name drops who never received that money. He simply withdrew money from the bank with the help of dummies. Corruption is as simple as a door, and there is no political background.

Shevchenko says that he is an exile, but he himself left the country for treatment because he knew through insiders that they were preparing to arrest him. No one kicked him out, and no one is going to take revenge on him (there would be something for it), on the contrary, many people, in particular me, are waiting for him alive and well in Ukraine. He might come check it out. But we can't wait.

Because the court in Austria is very anti-corruption, so such statements by Shevchenko can work for the Austrian court. And to support these statements, Shevchenko is ready to make media news feeds with anyone. With pro-Russian conspiracy theorists? Let's. Conspiracy theorists, in turn, will add to the position of the former civil servant “testimony of an anonymous associate of Zelensky” with stories about anything? Never mind. Will conspiracy theorists say that we must end this “demonic war” at any cost and stop supporting Ukraine, with reference to Shevchenko? Fuck it. Don't you understand yet? The main thing is to bounce back. In the process, Shevchenko will not forget to say “Glory to Ukraine,” but this does not make him a patriot, or indeed a person in general.

I can’t quote a third of this “demonic” interview here because they’ll be banned. This whole “anonymous” hat is spreading across US conspiracy networks right now, with confirmation from a former jerk official. Well, in Russia too, but it doesn’t matter.

Yes, Shevchenko did not say in an interview that he was afraid for his life. Well, at least this is not in the text. There is some kind of screenshot with this statement. That is, this is the conclusion of the traveling Hawley, based on a screenshot of unknown origin, which cannot be considered evidence, since there is not even the name of the addressee. I don’t really know who to bet on, that Shevchenko is arguing that Hawley has gone.

Nevertheless. The fact is that if you communicate with those who have left, there is nothing else to expect. Shevchenko did this deliberately. Because he doesn't care.

There is no need to draw a conclusion about Shevchenko. It's already late. A man is saving his lifestyle in Austria. How can. Yes, traitor, no doubt about it. Kent Avena from Alfabank. We fought with him a lot in our time, you all saw it. Now this is all a legal matter in the direction of extradition. It will be long and difficult; in the process, Shevchenko may still appear on Russia Today in person, because what difference does it make?

Let's talk about the present. About a person who monitors my posts and has already managed to write about Shevchenko’s “interview” with reference to me.

Tatarov's Falcons from the State Bureau of Investigation jerk off Dubinsky instead of putting him behind bars, although there is a reason for it. This delay will lead to the fact that in the end the Oak in the trunk will leave the country, and you will see it on the airwaves of all conspiracy theorists in the USA. Shevchenko is a dead dick, he is not interesting. But Sasha loves speed so much that you will be shocked by what he comes up with. Oak is a creative person, Zelensky will eat Biden’s brother, a third of the rednecks will believe him.

Your thoughts. Does Tatarov treat Dubinsky so kindly because he is a supporter of total legality or because he wants to see Dubinsky on the air of Hawley or Jones?


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