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People's Deputy Andrei Nikolaenko has connections with terrorists?

People's Deputy Andrei Nikolaenko killed a man on the road near Zhitomir. The speed of 146 km per hour prevented him from getting his bearings and seeing a girl running across the road in an unspecified place. 18-year-old orphan Victoria is now in a coffin, and deputy Nikolaenko is in the dock. So who is this people’s deputy and why can the car that was used for the hit-and-run hint at connections with the terrorists of the so-called “DPR”.

As Suspilny journalists found out, the deceased’s name is Victoria Nazarova. She had just graduated from school and was studying at college. Her relative said that the girl actually crossed the road in the wrong place, although there was a crossing 30 meters away. It was impossible to avoid an accident due to the speed of the car.

People's Deputy from Batkivshchyna Andrei Nikolaenko immediately admitted his guilt in the crime and has already received suspicion. However, in court, with the appointment of a preventive measure, a real “swing” began. Other people's deputies from the group of former speaker Dmitry Razumkov, which includes Nikolayenko, came to the trial and were ready to take him on bail. Razumkov generally stated that choosing a preventive measure in this case is not necessary, because, they say, it was not used for another deputy who committed a similar thing.

It is still unknown who Razumkov meant by another people’s deputy who killed a person in an accident. At least, neither official services nor sources reported that any other deputy was involved in such an accident.

Razumkov came to the meeting for a reason. After he was kicked out of the chair of Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada in disgrace, he created a deputy group, which Nikolayenko joined. Both have known each other for about 10 years, since at one time Razumkov worked as a political strategist for the Party of Regions, and in 2013-2014 he was an adviser to Nikolayenko when he headed the Kirovograd Regional State Administration.

The current people's deputy was appointed to lead the Kirovograd region by the fugitive president Viktor Yanukovych. And in 2014, during the Revolution of Dignity, it was on the initiative of Andrei Nikolaenko that the Regional State Administration wrote a letter to Viktor Fedorovich that he needed to take control of the situation and restore order and legality in the state. That is, to disperse Euromaidan.

In January 2014, Nikolayenko told residents of Kropyvnytskyi (then Kirovograd - ed.) that “a radically minded part of the protesters, together with specially trained combat groups from other regions of Ukraine,” were allegedly going to storm the regional state administration. And naturally, in contrast to the “Bandera radicals,” he called guys in sweatpants and with St. George ribbons (currently prohibited - ed.) to the main square.

Already in March 2014, Euromaidan declared Andrei Nikolaenko persona non grata in the Kirovograd region.

The fate of Yanukovych is known to everyone, but Nikolayenko, like many representatives of the “regional” authorities, got away with it and even led him to become a deputy in the Verkhovna Rada.

But between the leadership of the Kirovograd region and the deputy seat, Andrei Nikolaenko had another very significant period. From 2017 to 2019 he was the leader of the Osnova party, which was created by the former oligarch Sergei Taruta. The party promoted itself well, participated in the elections, but as a result it partially merged into one election list with Batkivshchyna. It is worth noting that now even the Fundamentals website is not working.

However, our journalists know the facts about who was the skeleton of the Osnova party, except for Taruta and Nikolaenko themselves. This is important in the context of an accident in which the latter killed a person.

One of the party speakers was Ekaterina Vaidich, who owns a 25% stake in the MHP-Trend Foods company. For readers, the name “Our Ryaba” will be better known, which is led by the billionaire and owner of his personal Versailles near Kiev, Yuriy Kosyuk.

Ekaterina Vaidich, before joining the Osnova party, headed another political structure - People's Power. In May 2017, she left one party and joined another, taking with her several associates.

At Osnova, Ekaterina Vaidich was in charge of personnel and attracted so-called “famous persons” to the party. One of them was Denis Sheibut, the son of the deputy head of the tax service and the first deputy head of the migration service during the times of the fugitive President, Viktor Sheibut. In his last position, which Sheibut headed until the spring of 2014, he even received the “Order of Merit, III degree” from Yanukovych.

But Viktor Sheibut has not only a son, Denis, who joined Nikolaenko-Taruta’s “Osnova”. His daughter Ekaterina Sheibut, according to information as of 2017, lives in occupied Donetsk and heads the Katya-Plus distillery, registered in the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic.” Moreover, she is an ardent fan of terrorists and is a member of the “DPR Social Movement,” in her words, “because of patriotic feelings.”

That is, it turns out that Ekaterina Vaidich brought the brother of an accomplice of terrorists and the son of Azarov’s “right hand” to Osnova.

But how does this relate to people’s deputy Andrei Nikolaenko? The fact is that the people’s deputy lives together with Ekaterina Vaidich, as he noted in his declaration for 2020. And moreover, according to colleagues from the “Schemes” program, it was Ekaterina Vaidich, who is friends with the terrorists, who registered the Mercedes in which Nikolayenko hit the girl.

Vaidich and Nikolaenko became close precisely thanks to the Osnova party. After all, at least officially, until 2018, the deputy was married to another woman and has two children with her. Vaidich also has a child from a previous marriage, for alimony for which she even sued in the Pechersk court.

So, today it is known that people’s deputy Andrei Nikolaenko committed a fatal accident in the car of his common-law wife, who has connections with the occupying authorities of the Donetsk region. At the same time, he secured a good group of support in court in the person of other people's deputies, some of whom entered parliament thanks to the pro-presidential Servant of the People party. In essence, this is an oxymoron, but in reality it is just another example of political shortsightedness in Ukraine.


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