Categories: TOP 2 Articles

People's Deputy Boyko received 47 apartments in Kyiv through an investment fund

The Hunter Investment Fund, which is owned through a Cypriot company by a person associated with People’s Deputy Yuriy Boyko, has invested hundreds of millions of hryvnia in apartments in Kyiv residential complexes. Moreover, the fund became a co-owner of companies related to construction in Kyiv.

The Hunter investment fund is now listed as the owner of dozens of apartments in various residential complexes of the capital. In particular, he now has 47 apartments in the LaLaLand residential complex, 4 apartments in “Welcome Home on Revutskogo”, as well as 10 apartments and half of the administrative building in “French Quarter 2”.

The audit report on the financial activities of the Hunter investment fund for 2020 states that the fund made almost 673 million hryvnia in advances under investment agreements, under preliminary agreements for the purchase and sale of apartments: “The subject of the debt is the company’s investment participation in the construction of real estate, in order to obtain ownership of the premises after completion of construction and acceptance of the facilities for operation.”

The investment fund also has shares in companies associated with the construction of these residential complexes. Thus, “Hunter” owns 11% in the company “DSK “Fundament” from the construction group of the same name “Fundament”, whose projects include both the LaLaLand residential complex and the Welcome Home residential complex on Revutskogo.

In 2023, the Hunter investment fund became a co-owner of the Capital-Vostok company, which is among the customers for the construction of the French Quarter 2 residential complex. Hunter’s partner in this company is another investment fund, Covernot.

The Hunter investment fund is controlled by the Cyprus company KOTRYNA HOLDING LTD. Behind this Cypriot company is a Ukrainian with Cyprus registration, Pavel Yakubenko. Pavel Yakubenko has long been prominent in companies associated with Yuri Boyko.

In particular, Pavel Yakubenko’s son Vladimir worked at Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC under the leadership of Boyko. Moreover, both Yakubenkos were members of the supervisory board of PrJSC Truskavetskurort, which was associated with Yuri Boyko’s entourage and which began systematically winning government tenders for health improvement when Boyko was a minister. On this supervisory board, the Yakubenki were representatives of a company also close to Boyko at that time - Poliinvestgroup, which was actually listed as the owner of sanatoriums in the Lviv region. Now 100% of the shares of Truskavetskurort belong to the Hunter investment fund.

In 2020, when “Truskavetskurort” was already controlled by Yakubenki, the enterprise transferred the company engaged in the extraction of mineral water – “Truskavets Medical Waters” to other people. Among them was Vladimir Zherbitsky, until 2017 the first deputy military prosecutor. Among his cases was an investigation into Sergei Kurchenko’s transactions with liquefied gas, where Boyko appeared. But Boyko appeared there as a witness, because there was “not enough evidence” to bring the ex-Minister of Fuel and Energy to justice.

In addition, the Hunter investment fund is now listed as the ultimate owner of the Stream Capital company, which was created by Boyko’s son Anatoly in 2018.

In February, Bihus.Info already reported that Boyko could be behind an offshore company from the Cayman Islands - the RC Natural Resources Fund company, which owns several energy enterprises in Ukraine. All these energy assets have long been unofficially associated with Yuri Boyko, and one of them in 2020 officially became the property of Boyko’s eldest son.


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