Despite the police opening criminal proceedings for obstructing business, pseudo-activist Dmitry Perov continues his dubious activities to block the reconstruction of Zamkov’s house.
On Saturday, February 3, Perov, who calls himself a security monument, once again attracted a group of people to interfere with legal business activities around the house in Kyiv at the address: st. I. Franko, 26.
The equipment that was supposed to remove garbage was blocked by unknown people. Taking this into account, already on Tuesday, February 6, representatives of the blocked enterprise submitted an application to the Shevchenkovsky Unitary Administration of the Main Directorate of Police for committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. 206 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Earlier, journalists from the StopKor publication confirmed in their investigation that the activities of entrepreneurs at this address are legal. However, it seems that this did not stop Perov and he resorted to louder provocations, declaring his beating.
Considering that absolutely all information from Perov regarding this address is manipulative and aimed exclusively at achieving his personal goals, in particular, the desire to work with the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Kyiv City State Administration, it can be assumed that the messages circulated in certain media about his alleged the beating is nothing more than manipulation on the part of a pseudo-activist.
Analysis of the medical certificate leads to such conclusions. The bodily injuries indicated therein exclude active physical actions committed by Perov the next day. We are talking, in particular, about quickly dragging a huge oak block under the cameras.
Now it is important that law enforcement agencies act in accordance with the law and give their assessment of Perov’s actions within the framework of registered criminal proceedings. After all, what Perov passes off as monument protection activities actually comes down to direct obstruction of the business activities of entrepreneurs who, despite all the wartime, continue to work for the restoration of the country, provide jobs and pay taxes. In turn, the so-called “activist” effectively blocks this legal activity.