Categories: TOP 2 News

Whistleblowers of corruption: how it happens

In Ukraine, since 2014, there has been an institution of whistleblowers of corruption, introduced as part of legislative measures to combat corruption. Since 2020, this mechanism has been improved, providing whistleblowers with more guarantees of protection and the opportunity to receive a 10% reward if a court decision is obtained. Recently, the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court made its first decision on the payment of remuneration to a “NABU agent.”

NAPC calls this decision historic. And members of the anti-corruption committee of parliament predict that the institution of whistleblowers itself will work more effectively. Especially after the Unified Whistleblower Reporting Portal was launched in September.

However, experts from the USAID Interaction project note that government bodies and legal entities are slowly joining the Unified Portal. Also, most Ukrainians do not know how they can become whistleblowers under specific defense rights. Although surveys over the past two years show that the number of people willing to report corrupt officials is growing.

Who can become an accuser? Why don't all applicants claim 10%? And how protected is the Unified Portal from personal data leakage?


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