Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

The Russian Federation is actively spreading fake news about a ban on the travel of men with many children and disabled people across the Ukrainian border

The rules for crossing the border have not changed.

Since Ukraine is under martial law, men liable for military service cannot travel outside the country. The exception is having many children or a person with a disability. However, Russian propagandists are disseminating information that supposedly the Ukrainian authorities have closed the exit from the country for men of these categories.

 The Center for Combating Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council reported this in the official telegram channel .

The CPD explains that in fact the rules for crossing the state border have not changed at all.

At the same time, it is noted that employees of the State Border Service more carefully check the documents of men who have the right to leave the country . This is explained by the fact that there is a problem of a huge number of fakes. Including documents traveling through the Shlyakh system .

“Men leaving can have their documents checked by the TCC regarding the availability of a deferment from conscription. Changes to the legislation on mobilization have not yet been adopted. The bill is being considered in the Verkhovna Rada, and changes may be made to it,” says the Center for Combating Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council.

In addition, the Center noted that there are no plans to mobilize men with many children.

“Trust only verified sources of information,” the National Security and Defense Council Center reminded.

Let us note that the representative of the State Border Service Andrei Demchenko  said that persons who are not subject to conscription, and therefore have the opportunity to leave the territory of Ukraine , include men who support three or more children under the age of 18.

“In addition to the persons who are clearly stated in the paragraphs of the Rules, clause 2.6 determines that in the event of martial law being introduced on the territory of Ukraine, other persons liable for military service who are not subject to conscription during mobilization also have the right to cross the state border.  These persons liable for military service also include men who are dependent on three or more children under the age of 18,” noted Andrei Demchenko.

Let us remind you that the Russian occupiers continue to terrorize our country. On the night of January 2, the enemy repeated a massive attack, as was the case on December 29, 2023, using various types of air attacks. The main target of the enemy was the capital of Ukraine.

Source Stopkor

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