Thursday, October 3, 2024

In the spotlight

Sergei Danilyuk drives his mother’s car and sits in a chair for 66 thousand?

The head of the police department in the city of Malin in the Zhytomyr region, Danilyuk, declares an expensive car registered to his mother and uses an office chair for 65 thousand UAH

Mom’s “bekha” for 2 million, a chair for more than 65 thousand and a dollar “stash” - the 32-year-old head of police department No. 1 in Malin, Zhytomyr region, Sergei Danilyuk, can boast of such assets. How did a young policeman manage to acquire such attributes of a wealthy life?

And what else, besides his fortune, is the main Malinsky policeman known for?

At the entrance to the police station in Malin, Zhytomyr region, the attention of the StopKora film crew was attracted by a traditional honor board.

“Probably most people don’t even pay attention to it, but we noticed how the photo of the head of the department stood out. While everything is on a regular white background, Mr. Danilyuk is sitting in a chair. And not simple, but quite valuable, worth over 66 thousand hryvnia,” notes the journalist.

For the first time, Danilyuk’s name was heard in connection with the high-profile story of the beating of a terrorist fighter in Zhitomir.

Not long ago, a representative of the territorial defense forces, Ivan Tymoshchuk, was attacked in one of the city’s restaurants. And this was done not by representatives of the criminal underworld, but... by local police officers. Then a video was leaked online, where you can see two people attacking Tymoshchuk.

In the footage you can probably see acting. the head of the Zhytomyr regional police department Vladimir Rodynyuk and the head of police department No. 1 of the Zhytomyr regional police department of the Main Directorate of Police, police captain Sergei Danilyuk. People's Deputy Alexey Goncharenko announced this.

It is noteworthy that at that time Danilyuk had the rank of captain, and now he is already a major.

Even the scandalous story of drunk driving in 2016 did not hinder the rapid career growth of a law enforcement officer.

“The court received a report on an administrative violation. The PERSON was driving a vehicle with signs of alcohol intoxication: unsteady gait, smell of alcohol from the mouth, impaired coordination of movements,” the court decision says.

And although the accused did not admit his own guilt in the offense, saying that it was not he who was driving the car, and the medical report on the state of intoxication was drawn up four and a half hours after establishing the grounds that he allegedly drove the car while intoxicated - even the very fact of existence such a case, where a representative of the law appears, may be alarming.

It is noteworthy that a year before this incident, Sergei Danilyuk was fired altogether - for another episode of drunk driving. And only through the administrative court of cassation he was resumed in his position and received monetary compensation.

And what does the current chief police officer Malina show in his declaration?

As follows from the document, the head of the police department drives a 2016 BMW X5. The average cost of such a car on specialized sites is about 33 thousand dollars. But the vehicle is registered not to Danilyuk himself, but to his mother.

In addition, according to the declaration, his wife holds 50 thousand dollars in cash, that is, almost 2 million hryvnia.

What about the infamous chair?

Maybe it was just given as a gift, rented, or photoshopped? But as the Stopkorovites were able to see with their own eyes, Sergei Viktorovich really sits in this chair - it stands in his office. And his mother’s car is parked in front of the department while Mr. Danilyuk is working.

Therefore, our team is already preparing a new investigation into the activities of the Malinsky police department No. 1 under the leadership of Major Danilyuk.


In the spotlight


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