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Journalists published all the companies that profit from the improvement of Kyiv parks

Journalists conducted an investigation and found out that companies spent a third of a billion in the capital’s parks.

“While our troops are courageously defending Ukrainian land from the invasion of invaders, Ukrainian civilians and the Ukrainian state began to work in the “everything for the front - everything for victory” mode. This quote, authored by Prime Minister Denis Shmygal, is almost two years old. And its content very often does not correlate with the real state of affairs in the rear. This time we are talking about the situation around the Kievzelenstroy utility company.

As evidenced by information received by the “Glavkom”, during the war years 2022-2023, the enterprise received a third of a billion to finance work related to landscaping and repairs in parks and squares in Kyiv. Utilities intend to spend approximately the same amount of budget funds in 2024.

In addition, the “Commander-in-Chief” managed to obtain a complete list of contractors involved in landscaping the capital, which is simultaneously recovering from enemy missile attacks almost every day. There are 28 such companies in total. In fact, every third of them is already involved in criminal proceedings.

Who does “Kievzelenstroy” feed even during the war?

During the military years 2022-2023, UAH 327 million was allocated to finance work related to landscaping and repairs in parks and squares of Kyiv.

Nine “friends” of “Kievzelenstroy” in whom law enforcement officers are interested
The closest, even “native”, to the utility enterprise can be considered Chernivtsi LLC “Eurotechnologies Group”. Before the great war, this company had a Kyiv residence permit. And its former co-founder and director Taras Boyprav works... as the head of the capital investment department of Kievzelenstroy. True, Boyprava’s former colleagues are now trying to isolate themselves from him, assuring him that the man “quit and forgot the way to us.”

But these statements are probably an exaggeration. Because how else can you explain the orders that fall from the capital of Eurotechnologies Group LLC during the great war? For example, just last year, a “Bukovinian” company spent 22 million UAH on the repair and improvement of a park on the Dnieper embankment (in the Berkivshchyna Bay area) in the Darnytskyi district of the capital. Budget money was spent on arranging the surface of children's playgrounds, arranging an area with fairy-tale characters, installing benches, trash cans, sun loungers, bicycle parking, and planting bushes and trees. And a mandatory attribute of almost the majority of such renovations of capital’s parks and public gardens is the laying of paving stones. Let us add that now Eurotechnologies Group LLC is already registered in the name of Kiev resident Roman Govorun.

But with the mentioned Taras Boyprav, before a full-scale war, trouble happened. The investigation did not name the name, but indicated the position of the person involved in the scandalous investigation, and it completely coincides with the one held by Taras Boyprav, deputy head of the capital investment department of Kievzelenstroy. Thus, employees of the State Bureau of Investigation documented a large-scale scheme of theft of funds for the repair of parks and squares and the installation of improvement facilities in the capital. In particular, while receiving another part of the illegal benefit in the amount of UAH 1.55 million and $4.3 thousand, the deputy head of the capital investment department of Kievzelenstroy and an intermediary were detained.

In addition, according to the court registry, the Eurotechnologies Group, to which Boyprav was previously involved, is a defendant in criminal proceedings opened during the war. In particular, since March 2023, the police have been investigating the embezzlement of budget funds by officials of Kievzelenstroy when concluding contracts with Eurotechnology Group LLC, TOB IS BUD and Construction Company Atera Development LLC. Also in August 2023, the territorial department of the Bureau of Economic Security in Kyiv, through the court, gained access to the tender documentation of Kievzelenstroy and Eurotechnologies Group LLC. The seizure of documents took place within the framework of criminal proceedings regarding the misappropriation or embezzlement of someone else's property, committed on an especially large scale (Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code).

In the context of the connections between the Eurotechnologies Group and the named Kievzelenstroy official, it is worth mentioning another company - the Kiev-based Pro-Project Architectural Design Bureau LLC. The company also receives contracts from public utilities for supervision of construction and installation work in parks. The owner of the company is Olga Govorun, who is listed as a co-owner in the Ukrzemtechnika company along with... the mother of the “zelenstroy activist” Boyprava, Nadezhda Alekseevna. By the way, the director of Ukrzemtechnika is Roman Govorun, the ultimate beneficiary of Eurotechnologies Group LLC.

So the circle is complete.

And another piquant detail: until the end of October 2023, the companies “Eurotechnologies Group” and “Ukrzemtechnika” used the same mobile number (+380674674726).

Kropyvnytskyi LLC “Remdostroy Plus”, which “grazes” in the parks and squares of the capital, also has a criminal trail. The police accuse her of tax evasion in the amount of more than 5 million UAH. As for the work performed on the order of Kievzelenstroy, then, according to the ProZorro system, in 2022-2023, Remdostroy Plus LLC worked at two sites: it carried out a major overhaul of the park on the street. Simirenko, 13/1 in the Svyatoshinsky district (682.5 thousand UAH spent) and landscaping work on the distribution strip of the Big Ring Road (on the section from Zhmerynskaya St. to Lesya Kurbasa Avenue (first stage) in the Svyatoshinsky district) - 1.45 million UAH

Diotrix Budmets LLC (the old name of BK Stroy Alliance LLC) carries out repair work in the Orlyonok park in Solomensky district worth UAH 15.56 million and overhauls the park on the street. Iskrovskaya, 18 in Solomensky district – 7.57 million UAH.

Like previous contractors of Kievzelenstroy, Diotrix Budmets LLC is also a defendant in criminal proceedings. We are talking about “schematas” around major repairs, reconstruction, construction and maintenance of green spaces in the capital. The organizers of illegal transactions in the National Police are the general director of Kievzelenstroy and his deputy for capital investments. According to the investigation, they involved two more people in their activities, whose positions and names were not specified in the court decisions. Seven contracting companies, including Diotrix Budmets LLC, “helped” these defendants to appropriate budget funds.

According to the Youcontrol analytical system, until April 2023, Kyiv-based BC Bud Alliance LLC was owned by Akhmedov Rufat Shahin-Ogly and Kiev resident Igor Melnichuk. Then the company changed its owner - he became a citizen of Uzbekistan, Dzhokhongir Yuldashev. The company also changed its registration - from the capital to the Dnieper and began to be called Diotrix Budmets LLC in a new way.

During the war, Kiev LLC “Stroy-Complit” carried out a number of works in the capital’s parks and public gardens. By the way, “Kievzelenstroy” used this company, like “Diotriks Budmets”, for repair work in the “Orlyonok” park. The amount of contracts of this company is UAH 26 million.

Concerned citizens responded to such repairs in Orlyonok Park. In particular, they left the following reviews in the ProZorro system for the State Audit Service: “Such a purchase is an abuse of local government officials, with whose tacit consent and under their own cover budget funds are allocated for such projects in the style of “peaceful life”; “Stop the purchase as inappropriate, overpriced”; “Inflated price for the purchase of non-critical needs, inconsistency of the subject of the contract, inappropriate unreasonable expenses in wartime, which threatens national security.”

Separately, the emergency work of Bud-Complit LLC in Nivki Park attracts attention. In the middle of late autumn, the contractor, buried in the mud, spends 6.17 million UAH on the repair of reinforced concrete stairs, drainage system and retaining wall.

But the “greenbuilders” don’t stop there: in early December, the utility company announced the allocation of an additional 8.94 million UAH for the Nivki park. According to the customer’s plan, the money must be used before the end of the year.

According to information from the Youcontrol analytical system, Bud-Complit LLC is owned by Kiev resident Oksana Parkhomchuk. The size of the authorized capital of the enterprise is 10 thousand UAH. According to media reports, in the summer of 2022, the SBI gained access to Kievzelenstroy’s contracts with Bud-Complit and other companies for parks and squares. The investigation believes that in 2021-2022, the head of the project support department of the capital investment management of Kievzelenstroy, deliberately in collusion with some other officials of Kievzelenstroy, who held tenders, monitored the implementation of contracts and accepted and paid for work, received undue benefits from “Bud-Complit” 300 thousand UAH.

In 2022-2023, Kievzelenstroy also involved the capital’s Rialto LLC, owned by Sergei Priymachenko and Nikolai Yarovoy, in design work. At the same time, in the court register there is a mention of this company, and also in a negative light. In particular, the resolution of the Dneprovsky District Court of Kiev dated April 4, 2019 states that officials of Princess Lybid LLC, in prior agreement with officials of Rialto LLC, seized funds from the local budget due to failure to complete work on the construction of a watering and irrigation network in the park of Rusanovskaya embankment.

Another person involved in criminal proceedings with whom Kievzelenstroy cooperates is Red Bud LLC (Kyiv). In total, during the war the company completed work worth about 10 million UAH. According to the court register, the National Police is investigating a crime in which Red Bud LLC is accused of misappropriating budget funds for the renovation of landscaping and landscaping of a cultural and recreation park in the Obolonsky district.

And this is not the entire list of companies to which law enforcement officers have questions, but which Kievzelenstroy does not shy away from and gives contracts: Dorex - Traffic Safety LLC (Kiev), DSZ LLC (Dnepr), IS Stroy LLC ( Kiev). According to the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kiev, in the first half of 2022, officials of Kievzelenstroy and the actual owners, including the above-mentioned companies, “united into an organized criminal group with the aim of illegally seizing funds from the territorial community of Kiev, which were intended to pay for capital works repair of parks, squares and installation of improvement facilities, the customer of which was Kievzelenstroy. According to the investigation, contractors, in collusion with the utility company, knowingly included in the estimates of projects for the overhaul of parks and public gardens and the installation of improvement facilities the excess cost of work, services and materials for the purpose of their further appropriation. The pre-trial investigation is currently ongoing.

The company from Poltava “Budintechno” has also established itself in the Kiev park, at the intersection of the street. Kuban Ukraine and Lesnoy Avenue in the Desnyansky district. The asking price is UAH 7 million. The amount includes: sowing lawns, planting trees and bushes, laying paving stones, installing benches, replacing the watering and irrigation system.

In the fall of 2022, a sad story happened to the former director of Budintechno. He became a suspect in drug trafficking and ended up in a pre-trial detention center.

“Second League” of “Kievzelenstroy”
Here “Glavkom” gathered companies with which “Kievzelenstroy” does not have such close relations as with the above-mentioned structures that managed to appear in events falling under the Criminal Code.

Below are the names of the remaining companies that receive money from Kievzelenstroy, with a list of objects that they decorate during the war.

Ukrglobalbud LLC (Kyiv) – improvement around the Jordan and Kirillovskoye lakes in the Obolonsky district worth UAH 28 million.

In particular, these funds will be used to equip lawns, a flower garden, a retaining wall, a ramp, stairs, paving stones, and play complexes with a climbing wall;

LLC “Alfa Industrial Construction” (Kyiv) – major renovation of the landscaping of the park on the Dnieper embankment in the Berkivshchina Bay area in the Darnitsky district for UAH 14.58 million;

LLC “Retailer Company” (Krivoy Rog) - carries out work on the overhaul of a public garden in the Svyatoshinsky district (contract amount - 5 million UAH) and the overhaul of pond No. 1 at the Didorovsky Ponds cascade in the Goloseevsky district (5 million UAH);

LLC “Promin Stroy Service” (Kyiv) – overhaul of the park on Vladimirsky Proezd in the Shevchenkovsky district worth UAH 3.43 million;

LLC “SK Neva+” (Kanev, Cherkasy region) - for 4 million UAH, carries out major repairs of the park on the street. Engineer Borodin in the Dnieper region;

Lidstar Trade LLC (Kyiv) – development of design and estimate documentation for the overhaul of various parks in the capital. The total amount of contracts is about 2 million UAH;

Individual entrepreneur Olga Nikolaevna Gaeva (Kyiv) - for 2 million UAH she plants seedlings of barberry, juniper, Japanese meadowsweet and paniculata hydrangea in the park on the street. Iskrovskaya, 18 in the Solomensky district, and also continues to plant various bushes in the Tsitadelny square on the street;

Budoptimum LLC (Kyiv) - for UAH 1.55 million, made a major overhaul of the retaining wall with improvement of the pedestrian zone on the street. Vyshgorodskaya, 45/2-9 in the Podolsk region;

LLC “Aquatoria 2010” (urban settlement Makarov, Kyiv region) – for 716 thousand UAH will clear and carry out landscaping of the lake in the “Otradny” park, which is in the Solomensky district of the capital;

LLC “Construction and trading company “Leader” (Kyiv) – laying paving stones in the “Friendship” park on Druzhby Narodiv Boulevard. The cost of the work is small - 361.6 thousand UAH.

Similar small contracts were completed by Aksikor LLC (Chernivtsi) - 420 thousand UAH and Dor-Bud City Master LLC (Kyiv) - 185.7 thousand UAH.

LLC “Stroy Alliance Ukraine” (Kyiv) - makes money on contracts for “Kievzelenstroy”, replacing asphalt with paving stones in Hydropark (Dneprovsky district); paving stones again, new benches with trash cans and the arrangement of sports and children's playgrounds, as well as planting trees in the park on Petro Vershigory Street in the Dnieper district.

Consultations in the field of engineering and construction are provided to Kievzelenstroy by: LLC “First Construction Expertise” (Kyiv), LLC “Budproektekspertiza” (Kyiv), LLC “Ekoekspertiza” (Stry, Lviv region).

Also, “zelenstroevites” hired the state “Research Institute of Construction Production” for 84 thousand UAH for a technical inspection of the fountain in the park near the Ivan Franko Theater.


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