Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In the spotlight

Ethereum Foundation responded to criticism of two developers

The Ethereum Foundation will introduce measures to avoid conflicts of interest among developers. This is a reaction to the announcement of some of them about working for the EigenLayer team for “substantial” remuneration.

“[...] It is clear that relying on culture and individual judgment is not enough, and we have been working on a formal policy to address this issue for some time. We will speed up this process and provide details as soon as possible,” said Aya Miyaguchi, executive director of the foundation.

The official statement from the Ethereum Foundation came after two of the organization's developers publicly announced they were working on the EigenLayer protocol. We're talking about Justin Drake and Dunkrad Feist.

Both noted that they receive “substantial” remuneration, while supposedly this will not in any way affect their attitude towards the protocol and their idea of ​​​​how it should work.

Against the backdrop of Drake and Feist's statement, a dispute arose in the Ethereum community about a potential conflict of interest. Some members have called on developers to resign from the Ethereum Foundation to avoid such an outcome.


In the spotlight


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