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Did Vladimir Burmatov’s people profit from government contracts?

Searches in the Chelyabinsk municipal unitary enterprise may lead investigators to State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov.

In Chelyabinsk, regular searches took place - security forces carried out operational activities at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Production Association of Water Supply and Sanitation” (POVV), as well as LLC “Vodokanalsistemy” and its head Pavel Efimov.

A criminal case has been initiated against the management of Vodokanalsistema and unidentified employees of the PoVV for the theft of budget funds. The scandal could hit State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov hard - he could be the ultimate beneficiary of the LLC, although he has no formal connection with this business.

According to the investigation, Vodokanalsystems LLC acted as a contractor for MUP POVV, and at the same time did not fulfill all obligations under the contracts, although the customer accepted the work as completed. There is no publicly available data on government contracts for municipal unitary enterprises and LLCs; government procurement documents provide information about the municipal unitary enterprise only as a customer.

The reason for the criminal case was an audit, which is still ongoing. Who did the money go to?

The director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise, Sergei Khabirov, was interrogated, but a criminal case for fraud was opened against the head and owner of the LLC, Pavel Efimov.

Return of the Cossack

In addition to this, Efimov’s LLC has several other legal entities with similar names: Vodokanalseti LLC and Vodokanalsity LLC. Both are profitable, and Vodokanalseti has a number of government contracts, including one with the municipal unitary enterprise POVV for 4 million rubles. Contract dated 2015 for carrying out routine repairs of water supply and sewerage facilities. According to the State Procurement website, the deadline is March 2015, however, it is still being implemented, although eight years have passed.

In this company, Efimov has a partner - Angelina Tolkacheva, the ex-wife of Yuri Panov, a deputy from the Metallurgical District of the Chelyabinsk City Duma and an assistant to State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov. Insiders believe that Panov personally runs Vodokanalseti.

In addition, Panova is the owner of Amkchel LLC, which is more like a shell company. Legal address – Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk city, st. Sovetskaya (Shershni), 11, completely coincides with the addresses of Yukapstroy LLC and TLK Vostok-Chelyabinsk LLC, which belong directly to Panov. In addition, there are about a dozen more established and now liquidated companies behind him, many without financial indicators.

It can be assumed that the divorce of Tolkacheva and Panov could have been fictitious in order to share the risks and not draw attention to the same Burmatov. But they didn’t have time to clean all the tails – or didn’t think of it.

Yuri Panov is the former leader of the criminal “Cossack group”, which operated in Magnitogorsk in the 90s. As writes, Panov was previously prosecuted under Part 1 of Art. 222 (illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms), art. 126 (kidnapping) and Art. 40 (physical or mental coercion) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He served time, expunged his criminal record in 2004, and then changed his last name to Panov, moved to Chelyabinsk and headed the local political council of United Russia.

He hid his past affairs, which in 2016 ended in a scandal when nominating United Russia candidates in municipal elections. The most interesting thing is that he continued to use the old passport in the name of Kazak, even when he had new documents in hand.

It seemed that Panov's political career was over. He had to leave the post of head of the United Russia political council and not participate in election events for some time. However, later, when the scandal subsided, he nevertheless became a deputy from the so-called. “Burmatov’s pool”, and at the same time became his assistant in the State Duma. Apparently, associates with a criminal background do not bother Vladimir Burmatov.

The ex-governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Mikhail Yurevich, could also have a role. According to the authors of the website, Yurevich allegedly personally gave instructions to Panov (then one of the leaders of the Chelyabinsk United Russia) to expel his political opponent Andrei Baryshev from the party.

Those. was the ex-criminal on the governor's errands? Yurevich himself, let us recall, later became involved in several criminal cases. Investigators believe that he received bribes worth 3.4 billion rubles, after which he fled to the UK.

They have a good company. And State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov could “keep an eye on all this.”

Unmercenary Burmatov

Vladimir Burmatov is not the oldest State Duma deputy; he was born in 1981. In 2006, at the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts, he defended his dissertation “Formation of information culture of students in the activities of university mass media based on a cultural approach.”

Subsequently, it turned out that 65% of the dissertation was plagiarism. It turns out that he almost immediately began his adult life with deception? In response to accusations of such behavior, Burmatov proposed liquidating the RAS, which caused confusion in both scientific and political circles.

Vladimir Burmatov is known to the general public for his compassionate initiatives to protect the rights of stray dogs that tear up children on the streets of Russian cities. But his income is supposedly modest: in 2022 he earned only 6.3 million rubles (kopecks compared to his colleagues), and in terms of real estate he has a cramped one-room apartment of 30 square meters. meters and the only car. True, his office housing, which must be paid for by the state, is more spacious - 150 square meters. m.

But his parents became incredibly rich, which raises the question of the people’s choice possibly concealing their income. And now it becomes clear what kind of income we can talk about.

As journalists from the First Regional News Agency reported, citing the leader of the Communists of Russia party, Sergei Malinkovich, the Burmatov family owns a huge cottage and land in the Millennium Park in the Moscow region and an elite apartment next to the American Embassy in Moscow.

The most surprising thing is that Burmatov did not refute Malinkovich’s words, but announced his desire to write a statement against him to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - allegedly he was inclining him to take possession of other people’s property, i.e. that he is allegedly engaged in fraud. It seems that Deputy Burmatov himself did not understand the trick. But there were no consequences either for him or for the head of the “Communists of Russia”.

In addition, another business may be behind Burmatov. Previously, The Moscow Post suggested that in 2016, the deputy could have participated in the campaign against the former head of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, Vladimir Myakush. Anatoly Eremin, an adviser to the head of RMK Igor Altushkin, was wooed to this post. As a result, Eremin was able to take the position of deputy chairman.

In addition, Burmatov is credited with friendship with former senator Ruslan Gattarov, whom he met in the Young Guard of United Russia. Both, by the way, felt great under both Yurevich and Dubrovsky.

According to the author of the 74KOLESO blog on the LiveJournal platform, allegedly being the first deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Education, Burmatov lobbied for the interests of Gattarov, with whom, through the latter’s sister Evgenia, a large offshore business could be connected. If this is true, it is possible that Burmatov’s funds could have ended up in those offshore companies.

Rumor has it that after Boris Dubrovsky left, both Gattarov and Burmatov lost some of their influence. Gattarov ceased to be a senator, and Burmatov lost his post as head of the Ecology Committee. Dubrovsky himself, as is known, like Yurevich, later became involved in a criminal case.

It’s amazing how people with such skeletons in their closets generally feel calm in our country, and even sit in the State Duma. It is obvious that the current scandal can most directly affect Burmatov’s political prospects - if he does not become involved in a criminal case at all.


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