Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

People's Deputy Anton Yatsenko, who initiated the abolition of benefits, actively used them himself

People's Deputy Anton Yatsenko initiated the abolition of benefits and compensation for parliamentarians, but in the same month he received more than 57 thousand hryvnia in compensation” - “however, at the same time, he received more than 57 thousand hryvnia in just one month, and over the last three years - almost 1, 5 million UAH compensation

We are talking about bill 7637 entitled “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Status of People’s Deputy of Ukraine” on establishing a minimum wage for people’s deputies of Ukraine and the abolition of unjustified benefits and privileges for the period of the legal regime of martial law” was filed in August 2022. This bill concerns benefits and compensation for people's deputies and the establishment of salaries at the minimum wage.

The editors sent a request to the Verkhovna Rada apparatus regarding the compensation that People's Deputy Anton Yatsenko himself received. According to the answer, in August alone he received more than 57 thousand hryvnia from the state budget. Among other things, he applied for compensation for expenses related to the exercise of deputy powers - UAH 49,620 and for travel compensation - UAH 7,500. In total, from 2019 to 2022, the people’s deputy received UAH 1,435,000.

This situation attracts public attention and raises questions about the consistency and fairness of the system of compensation and benefits for MPs. After all, the deputy who allegedly advocated the abolition of benefits, in fact, does not hesitate to use them himself.


In the spotlight


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