Sunday, September 29, 2024

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F-16 in action: First flights scheduled in Ukraine for spring 2024

Reznikov argues that in order to use aircraft in Ukraine, it is necessary to prepare the infrastructure.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov said that Ukraine could begin using F-16 fighters as early as the spring of 2024.

In an interview with Bild, he said that time for training and infrastructure preparation should be taken into account.

“I would say that the appearance of the F-16 at the front could happen next spring, because we have started training courses for our pilots, engineers and technicians,” the minister said.

Reznikov argues that in order to use aircraft in Ukraine, it is necessary to prepare the infrastructure.

“This should take at least six months, and maybe a little longer,” Reznikov added.

The minister is confident that the appearance of the F-16 at the front could “change the rules of the game” in the war.

“We must end Russian dominance in the skies, beyond the battlefield. F-16 aircraft will become part of the air defense. We can strengthen our capabilities in the skies to protect the airspace that is our cities. This would be a big breakthrough for us. Very big,” he explained.

F-16 aircraft for Ukraine – latest news

There is a high probability that in the near future Ukraine will receive F-16 fighters, which it urgently needs to counter Russian aggression. This statement was made by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, recalling that there is a training program and things are moving forward.

Speaker of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat spoke about the plan for training Ukrainian specialists on F-16 fighters and whether there are priority points in it. He emphasized that “aviation does not forgive any mistakes,” everything in it must work as a single mechanism.

Source UNIAN

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