Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In the spotlight

They are taking out what was destroyed by trucks: in Pechersk, the people of ex-member Dubovoy continue to demolish the temple (photo)

The destruction of the temple in the Pechersk district of the capital does not stop for a minute. On the territory of the church located on the street. Michurin and where the Christian center “Word of Life” operates, unauthorized work has been taking place for almost two weeks. According to believers, ex-National Deputy Alexander Dubovoy was involved in this. StopCor arrived at the scene for the third time - this time it became known about the proposed dismantling of temple buildings, which is planned to begin on Friday, April 12.

It is worth recalling in advance that at the beginning of April unknown persons began demolishing buildings on the site at the address. Michurina, 64, where the religious organization “Missionary International Evangelization Center of Christian Churches of Ukraine “Word of Life” (headed by Vladimir Kunets) is officially registered.

StopCora journalist Maria Vinnichenko again arrived at the scene. According to her, unauthorized work is probably continuing now.

“They continue to destroy everything there. Parishioners report that about 100 cars of destroyed property and belongings were removed. Now two houses there have already been demolished, the property of the Higher Theological Academy is being demolished, loaded and taken out by trucks,” says the correspondent.

After talking with parishioners, StopKor learned that they are probably planning to dismantle the large building today, April 12.

According to Vladimir Kunz, Dubovoy’s representative said that a large building would be destroyed today. Remove roof and windows. Kuntz was told that “if you go out, you won’t come back in” - he said so himself. Parishioners say that all week, from morning to evening, machinery removes metal,” the journalist quotes a conversation with workers.


In the spotlight


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