Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Traitors Saldo and Balitsky collaborate with ex-minister Tabachnyk, while his companies are associated with the illegal export of grain from the occupied territories

Dmitry Tabachnyk, the former Minister of Education, is suspected by the Security Service of Ukraine of committing high treason, and is also actively involved in agribusiness in the territories that are under occupation.

This is stated in the material of journalists of the Toronto Television project.

Thus, sources in law enforcement agencies provided Toronto Television with part of the ex-minister’s correspondence on Telegram from 2019 to the end of 2022. These are thousands of messages with dozens of different people, including collaborators.

According to the project, Tabachnik now lives in temporarily occupied Crimea, where he has a business. The ex-minister’s companies are involved in the illegal export of grain by the occupiers from the territory of Ukraine. He also helped the invaders in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions and collaborated with the Russian FSB even before the full-scale invasion.

In the occupied territories, Tabachnik’s companies “Oriana-Agro” and “Solex” are registered in the name of authorized representatives. And the stolen equipment was supplied by Kadyrov’s representative, named Murad Saidov.

According to journalists, Tabachnyk also lobbied the Kremlin to increase expenses in favor of the governor of the occupied territory of the Zaporozhye region, Balitsky.

There is also evidence that Tabachnyk lobbied the Kremlin to increase spending in favor of Balitsky.

Tabachnik kept in touch with Evgeniy Sulima, a Ukrainian professor and his former first deputy at the Ministry of Education and Science.

Sulima lived in Moscow in 2016, working as a professor at Moscow State University. That same year, he received a Russian passport, which remains valid now, investigators note. In 2020, Sulima returned to Ukraine and is here now. Until 2023, he worked as a professor in the department of philosophy and political science at the University of State Fiscal Service, as well as in the department of psychology and social and humanitarian disciplines at the Kiev Institute of Water Transport. After pressure from activists, he was fired.

According to the project, the Ukrainian professor could provide Tabachnyk with information about personnel changes.

At the beginning of June 2020, he reported who could be appointed to the post of head of the Ministry of Education and Science. They discussed that they could appoint some Sergei - the candidates then were Sergei Shkarlet and Sergei Babak. Sulima and Tabachnik often talked about Shkarletta, while Babak was no longer mentioned in the correspondence available to journalists.

Tabachnik also communicated with Olga Kravchenko. She headed the legal department of the Ministry of Education when he was minister. For December 2023, she heads the legal department at the Ministry of Recovery. The woman continued to communicate with Tabachnik even after he disappeared and openly defected to the Russian side. She even went on vacation with Tabachnik to Dubai in 2021, when the ex-minister was already wanted.

Tabachnik also had contact with the traitor Saldo, they made money on fuel in the occupied Kherson region and gave kickbacks in rubles to the occupation administration for this. Tabachnik also asked Saldo that the Russian military in the village of Mirnoye, Kalanchak district, not move into the apartment of the veterinarian Tabachnik.


In the spotlight


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